5 Ways to Socialize Your Yorkie

5 Ways to Socialize Your Yorkie

Bringing out the Diamond in the Ruff Alright. So YOU know that your Yorkshire Terrier is the cutest, smartest, and overall best dog in the world. But whenever you have company over, or you meet another dog on the street, it’s as though he becomes a completely...
The Great Yorkie Escape

The Great Yorkie Escape

Where there is a will there is a way!  Especially a Yorkie Way!  Do you love mysteries? Don’t you think “The Great Yorkie Escape” would be a great title for a mystery book? Well, while we are waiting for that book, check out these three! 3 Daring...
Yorkie Training 101 –  Housebreaking

Yorkie Training 101 – Housebreaking

That Yorkie puppy you just brought home is adorable. The cutest thing you’ve ever seen. But trust us when we say that cutie pie may not seem so sweet and innocent after you have to clean up a few accidents in your house.   10 Tips for Housebreaking a Yorkie...
3 Yorkie Grooming Tips

3 Yorkie Grooming Tips

Tips For Properly Grooming Your Yorkie’s Hair It is important to keep your Yorkie well-groomed in order to maintain their overall health. Properly caring for your Yorkie will help you discover problems before they occur, and spending time grooming your Yorkie...
Why You Need To Be Socializing Yorkies

Why You Need To Be Socializing Yorkies

Five Whys To Socialize Have you ever met a dog that seemed scared of everything, from meeting new people to getting groomed? What would help that pup master his anxiety is socializing with other dogs and people. Socializing yorkies is incredibly important at all ages....

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