Caring For Your Yorkie Their Golden Years

Caring For Your Yorkie Their Golden Years

Are You Ready For Your Yorkies Golden Years? As a smaller breed, your Yorkshire Terrier can live well into the teens. Between the ages of 8-10, a Yorkie is considered to be a senior. Caring for a Yorkie in their golden years requires some adjustment in the timing of...
Senior Yorkie Health Problems

Senior Yorkie Health Problems

Senior Yorkie Health Problems – Common Health Problems Facing Senior Dogs By John Hinkley Like all animals, as dogs age they tend to develop health problems unique to senior yorkies. Many dog owners have a difficult time accepting this fact and think that their...
Dog Houses For Yorkies

Dog Houses For Yorkies

Dog Houses Keep Your Dog Protected If you have a dog that stays outside, even for a few minutes, you need to get a dog house for your pet. Small dogs are especially vulnerable to the weather, so make sure you pamper your pooches properly by buying appropriate dog...
Yorkie Bathtime Blues

Yorkie Bathtime Blues

Yorkie Bathtime Shenanigans Ah, Yorkie bathtime! Sometimes Yorkies love baths and sometimes they don’t. There is a balance between not grooming your Yorkies and grooming them too much. When it comes to baths, if you give them too often you can dry out their skin as...

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