Yorkies are small and adorable dogs that make fantastic pets. However, being a Yorkie owner comes with its fair share of responsibility and potential mistakes. From giving them the wrong food to neglecting their dental care, there are several common errors that many owners unknowingly commit.
In this article, The Yorkie Times will uncover 21 mistakes that Yorkie owners often make, in the hope of helping current and future owners provide the best care for their furry friends. We will discuss the importance of regular exercise, proper grooming techniques, and the need for socialization. We will delve into common nutrition mistakes and the significance of providing a balanced, nutrient-rich diet.
By avoiding these mistakes, Yorkie owners can ensure their pets live happy, healthy lives filled with love and proper care. So, if you are a proud Yorkie owner or are considering getting one, read on to learn how to provide the best possible care for your adorable companion.
21 Common Yorkie Owner Mistakes
1. “Give a Dog a Bone”
Providing bones to your canine companion is beneficial as they contain essential nutrients and minerals that fulfill your dog’s hunger. The act of chewing stimulates the production of saliva and aids in treating the accumulation of plaque on their teeth, ultimately preventing gum disease. Nevertheless, numerous veterinarians are of the opinion that the potential for severe injuries outweighs the advantages of giving bones to your dog. If you wish to offer a bone to your puppy for chewing, it is crucial to adhere to specific guidelines to ensure their safety and enjoyment.
To start with, it’s best to avoid providing your puppy with any type of cooked bones because they can fracture and fragment into sharp shards that can harm your dog’s mouth, throat, or digestive system. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the bones you offer your dog are longer than the size of their snout. This way, it will be impossible for your dog to swallow or break them into small, sharp fragments. While no bone is too large, there are definitely bones that are too small. Keep in mind to not give bones to a dog that has undergone dental restoration work, as these dogs are susceptible to tooth fractures and dental issues.
2. Not Protecting Your Dog’s Feet
Your dog doesn’t have a problem with the weather, but keep in mind that we humans wear shoes. We may not realize how scorching hot a pavement can get. It is crucial to remember this when the surrounding temperature is 85 degrees Fahrenheit. The surface of the asphalt can become extremely hot, reaching up to 140 degrees Fahrenheit, which can result in burns, damage to tissue, and potentially leave lasting scars on your dog’s delicate paws within just one minute of contact.
Ensure that you examine the pavement with your hand before setting foot on it. Try to walk your dog during the cooler evening or early morning hours, while also taking regular breaks in shady areas. Remember, the same principle applies on cold winter days. If you must exercise, consider investing in paw covers.
3. Not Training Your Yorkie Early On
Don’t believe that dogs will eventually change, bad behaviour in dogs does not naturally disappear. On the contrary, if you fail to address and correct undesirable actions, they will escalate. Always bear in mind that your puppy is unaware that barking during the night or digging up plants is incorrect. They will persist unless you employ positive reinforcement to train them.
Have no fear though! The Yorkie Times has you covered with plenty of new Yorkie training tips.
4. Choosing the Wrong Shampoo
It may not cross your mind that washing your dog carries risks, but you will be amazed. Several supposedly natural dog shampoos still include harmful components for dogs. Always bear in mind to avoid employing human shampoo on your dog. Surprisingly, dogs’ skin is more delicate than ours. Employing a human shampoo on dogs can disturb their skin composition, rendering them susceptible to viruses, bacteria, and parasites. Moreover, it causes their skin to become dry and flaky, resulting in frequent scratching and wounds.
5. Not Making Sure Everyone is on the Same Page with Your Pooch
If you share a living space with others, ensure that everyone has a unified understanding of what is expected from your dog. For instance, if your young dogs are not permitted on the sofa, it is important for everyone to discourage them from doing so. Inconsistencies in the way a dog is treated, such as one person rewarding a behavior while another punishes it, will only lead to confusion for your pet. These conflicting signals will make it more challenging for your dog to behave as desired.

6. Choose the Wrong Dog Food
The quality of ingredients is important. Inadequate feeding can result in obesity, malnourishment, and various health problems. Always keep an eye on the calorie content in the pet food you choose and stick to the recommended portion sizes. It’s essential to understand that providing food is not equivalent to showing love, and the number of overweight dogs is increasing.
According to the Pet Obesity Prevention Association, more than half of the dogs and cats in the United States are either obese or overweight. Remember, even though dog treats may be small, they often contain a high number of calories. Select appropriate treats that your puppy enjoys, but give them in moderation.
Treats should only make up around 10% of your dog’s daily food intake. Similarly, it is crucial to store and seal your dog’s food correctly. Many dog owners simply open a bag of dog food and take portions from it each day. However, the best approach is to store and seal the dog food in an airtight container to prevent it from becoming rancid or stale.
7. Not Considering the Unique Characteristics of Your Breed
It is crucial to understand that each type of dog has distinct requirements. When taking care of your beloved pet, factors such as weather conditions, physical activity, available space, and grooming needs must be taken into consideration. Neglecting to provide daily intense exercise for a German Shepherd or failing to provide extra care for a Siberian Husky in a tropical climate would not be appropriate.
Before bringing a dog into your home, it is essential to have a clear understanding of your expectations. Determine whether you desire a dog that is suitable for apartment living, a laid-back companion, or an active partner. Conducting research and asking yourself pertinent questions to align with your lifestyle is a crucial step toward becoming a responsible and successful dog owner.
Yorkies are a regal and energetic breed. They require lots of attention and exercise. Check out other posts to learn more about Yorkie characteristics.
8. Not Providing Your Dog Has Proper Identification
Numerous canines go astray on a daily basis. In certain cases, they are even pilfered. It is crucial to affix an identification tag to your pet’s collar. This measure can facilitate the reunion with your beloved puppy if they happen to wander off. Otherwise, your dog might find themselves in an overcrowded shelter. Keep in mind that microchipping further simplifies the process of identifying lost dogs whose tags or collars may have been removed forcefully.
9. Avoidable Potty Accidents
Numerous individuals who possess canines overlook the fact that their bladders and muscles need time to develop and adapt. Even people require time to mature in order to have the ability to hold it for longer than a few hours. Showing anger towards a dog that is scared to disturb you or cannot effectively communicate, but is also physically unable to control itself, is simply cruel.
10. Taking Your Pup to a Dog Park
It may be surprising, but it is not advisable to bring young puppies to dog parks. Young puppies have not yet received all their vaccinations, they are more prone to diseases and infections, and not all dogs are friendly towards your own dog. Some dogs may display aggression towards your puppy and many puppies may feel uneasy around unfamiliar dominant dogs.
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11. Using Harmful Flea Treatments
Ticks and fleas induce fear due to their ability to spread life-threatening illnesses to both canines and humans. Fleas are more of a nuisance rather than a hazard, but they can certainly cause chaos in your home. Regrettably, numerous pharmaceutical pest deterrents pose serious risks to animals. It is crucial to opt for pet-safe pest control sprays that do not contain harmful chemicals.
12. Neglecting Your Yorkie’s Dental Hygiene
Similar to people, dogs require routine dental care. Their teeth often harbor numerous bacteria and require brushing, just like your own teeth. It is recommended to have your pet’s teeth examined by a veterinarian at least once annually. Consider buying a toothbrushing kit and starting regular cleaning today!
13. Ignoring Your Grooming Responsibilities
Taking care of your pet’s appearance is also crucial and can greatly impact how long they live. Each type of dog has unique requirements for grooming. Breeds with short fur need only basic maintenance, while those with long hair should be brushed more frequently. Regular grooming is essential for a healthy coat and to prevent the development of tangled hair or skin conditions. It is important to keep in mind that trimming your pet’s nails regularly not only promotes good posture and foot structure but also lowers the chances of infection.
14. Not Choosing to Get Pet Insurance
Many people have a tendency to think they don’t need pet insurance until something bad happens. If your dog gets sick and you don’t have insurance, the costs could be more than you expect. Make sure you get insurance for your pet before it’s too late. Remember that regular visits to the vet are important for your dog’s health.
Regular check-ups can help vets catch small health issues before they become big problems. Don’t wait until something goes wrong to see the vet. Dogs age quickly, sometimes 10 times faster than humans, and yearly exams can help detect and treat problems early.
15. Leaving Your Pet in a Car
Many individuals are unaware of the extreme heat that can build up inside a stationary car on a pleasant day. Even on a day with a temperature of 75 degrees, the interior of a parked vehicle can quickly reach a scorching 110 degrees within minutes. This means that leaving a pet inside a car can result in them suffering from heat stroke and ultimately suffocating within just a few short minutes. Unlike humans, dogs do not have the ability to sweat and therefore struggle more when it comes to adapting to hot temperatures. Consequently, being trapped inside a car under these circumstances can swiftly become a life-threatening situation.

16. Not Cleaning Your Dog’s Feet
It is unnecessary to bathe your puppy completely after every walk, but it is necessary to give their paws a quick wipe. Their furry and cushioned paws accumulate various types of dirt and bacteria, as well as skin irritants or harmful substances from the roads. If your dog licks their paws, they will consume all of that undesired stuff. Keep wipes or towels close to the entrance so that you can clean your dog’s paws immediately upon returning home.
17. Using Harsh Chemicals
A lot of cleaning substances utilized in our houses can be harmful to dogs. Even if your canine is not directly exposed to these substances, they may walk on a surface that has been cleaned and then lick their paws, consuming those dangerous chemicals. It’s crucial to always read and understand the label. Any product that consists of bleach or ammonia can pose a hazard to animals. As an alternative, choose to scrub with substances like baking soda or salt that do not leave behind any toxic residue.
18. Forgetting to Regularly Adjust Collar
Similar to people, dogs experience growth and weight gain. It is crucial to periodically alter the size of their collar. The primary consideration is ensuring that your dog feels at ease. When the collar is excessively tight, it can inflict harm on your beloved pet. Conversely, if the collar is excessively loose, the dog can effortlessly slip out of it and escape. For medium to large-sized dog breeds, there should be enough room for two fingers between the dog’s neck and the collar. For smaller dogs, one finger’s width is sufficient.
19. Neglecting Socialization
Dog owners should prioritize socializing their dogs, especially when they are puppies. It is beneficial for the dog to be exposed to different people and animals at an early stage in their life. It is important to introduce dogs to various new experiences such as car rides, children, grooming tools, loud noises, and any situation that may make a pug anxious or scared. The more positive interactions the dog has, the easier it will be to reduce fears and ensure that the dog is well-adjusted and content.
20. Feeding Your Yorkie Human Food
Believing that all human food is suitable for dogs. Certain individuals who own pets wrongly assume that dogs rely on their instincts to determine which foods are safe for them. However, this is inaccurate. Just because a dog consumes something that they perceive as edible does not mean it is beneficial for their health. Therefore, if your dog begs with an adorable expression while you indulge in chocolate or grapes, resist giving in to their request.
21. Not Providing Enough Excercise
Insufficiency in physical activity can result in behavioral problems and health complications. The greater amount of playtime and physical exercise you provide for your young dog, the lesser likelihood of experiencing excessive chewing, jumping, and barking. Additionally, it is essential to consider that certain dog breeds require more exercise compared to others. If you own a golden retriever, it is advised to quickly engage in jogging activities. Conversely, short-nosed breeds such as pugs and Bulldogs encounter respiratory challenges and are unable to undertake lengthy running distances.
Looking for more amazing Yorkie facts that will open your heart to these wonderful little dogs? Stay tuned with us for more informative and fun posts on all things Yorkie related. If you are looking for a journal to track your life with your Yorkie, we have you covered with The Yorkie Times Dog Journal! We also have a wonderful Facebook community that you can join as well!
very informative somethings I didn’t know