Dexter’s Terrier Rap!
For a little Sunday fun. I wanted to share of the videos that always make me giggle. Dexter of Dexter’s Ruff Life is one of our favorites on YouTube. Dexter, his sister, Peppermint, and their Mom tell stories from Dexter and Peppermint’s point of view with hilarious results.
In this one, Dexter cames to be a “Bad Mother Puppy” and rapping about the “Dog Eat Dog” world all the while looking adorably cute in his tuff little outfit.
Rapping Yorkie
What did you think of Dexter, the rapping Yorkie? Did you have a favorite part? Or did you have a favorite video of your own? Let us know below 🙂
And for more Yorkie Love posts to make you smile, check them out here.