So much to know about the Yorkshire Terrier

Got allergies? No problem! This dog is considered to be hypoallergenic. That’s because they have human-likeΒ hair, not fur.

Fur holds more dander than hair. Dander can irritate people.

And here’s another big word associated with this little dog…

Pharyngeal Gag Reflex where sometimes air goes rapidly up their nose like a reverse sneeze and momentarily makes them snort like a goose. This is usually a harmless event that is over in seconds.

Did you know about Yorkshire Terriers

Meet the second most popular breed in the world. The toy and the terrier… ladies and gentlemen – The Yorkshire Terrier:

“I love yorkies” says Andrea Arden (dog trainer). “It’s the dog who’s always looking for trouble with the other dogs.”



“Napoleon complex type dog” says Tyson Kilmer (dog trainer). “A big dog in a little body.”

“A Yorkie,” says Dr. Karen Halligan, Chief Veterinarian SPCALA. “they’ll take on a big dog. They’re very, very independent, feisty, intelligent, working little dogs.”

Did you know about Yorkshire Terriers

Yorkshire Terriers: A History

And talk about upward mobility! The yorkieΒ started in the cellar as a ratter chasing rodents in factories in Northern England where their origin is traced.

“These dogs were bred to catch rats for the working class.” says Dr. Karen Halligan, Chief Veterinarian SPCALA.

And then they left the workforce for European high society and are now everywhere, like this yorkieΒ meet-up in Manhattan.

“I’ve had yorkiesΒ since 6 or 7 years now,” says one attendee. “I’ve loved them since I was in college. We have playgroups once a month.”

“They are so much fun to cuddle with.” says another attendee. “Cutest dogs ever!”

Did you know Yorkshire Terriers are from four kinds of terrier?!

These portable pooches ancestorsΒ are the Clydesdale Terrier and Paisley Terrier (which are now extinct), and the Skye Terrier and Airedale Terrier from Scotland. They were brought to England by miners and weavers in the 19th century.

One of the most famous early yorkiesΒ was a stud named Huddersfield Ben, who is said to be the father of the modern-day yorkieΒ and is said to have had tremendous influence in setting the breed type in the 1860’s.

The yorkshire terrier crossed the pond to the US in the late 1800s and was one of the first 25 breeds registered with the American Kennel Club.

Did you know about Yorkshire Terriers

Yorkies have a coat that changes color!

This is a small dog, officially in the toy group but still a terrier. They average about 9 inches to the shoulder and weigh about 5-7 pounds. Born with a black and tan coat that quickly turns to tan and blue and is pureΒ AKC is if it uncut, flowing, silky and dander free.

If the dogs are not for showing, the owners usually go for the shaggy look and some owners like to trim the hair on their face to avoid food getting stuck in their whiskers.

“Most people choose to keep their yorkiesΒ in what people call a puppy cut where grooming is not that difficult.” says Andrea Arden (dog trainer). “If you want your yorkie to have that coat that is flowing, make sure that you focus a lot of energy on the grooming.”

Did you know about Yorkshire Terriers

Was training your yorkie easy?

Training with a yorkieΒ can be a lot of fun because they are so keen on their owner. They follow commands and learn very quickly.

“They are super fast,” says Tyson Kilmer (dog trainer) “they love to work! You get them learning and following commands… Man, you’re not going to get a dog that is going to be more impressive.”

This is a portable, adaptable lap dog that does well just about anywhere but it always wants to be with you. So leaving it home alone or outside, is not advised.

Yorkies need daily grooming too.

A clipped coat needs daily to weekly combing and the full show coat requires a lot of attention.

“You gotta put a little energy into brushing them and keeping them clean.” says Dude “But for the most part, that coats not that bad.”

These guys are little and have fragile bones and are prone to tooth decay and gum disease.

Did you know about Yorkshire Terriers

Yorkshire Terriers and fitting in with families.

Yorkies make good pets for adults but be careful around children. They can be snappy and even bite.

“This is a great dog to have if you are single.” says Tyson Kilmer (dog trainer).

“They are not dogs that I would recommendΒ with kids.” says Dr. Karen Halligan, Chief Veterinarian SPCALA.

Yorkies are highly intelligent dogs that take to training well.

“I think yorkiesΒ are a joy to train,” says Andrea Arden (dog trainer). “they are bouncy and energetic. They’re very, very focused on people.”

Although this dog may not be the best suited for you, it can live anywhere, the trachea is delicate, the coat needs regular attention, easy to train and best with older families.


This video was created by heartmydogvideoΒ – check out their other videos on YouTube!


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