Yorkie Prince or Princess?

Yorkie Prince or Princess?

Yorkshire Terriers, well loved for their sweet dispositions and teddy bear faces, are the perfect puppy companions. Their loyalty and playful antics are sure to inspire a lifetime of Yorkie love. When considering a Yorkie, the first question many future parents ask is...
Basic Yorkie Training

Basic Yorkie Training

  Start with Basic Yorkie training   Yorkies are very intelligent dogs, but they can be stubborn, so you may have to be patient and go through the process a few times. I found these videos from an everyday Yorkie owner, who has an adorable Yorkie.  She...
Rapping Yorkie

Rapping Yorkie

Dexter’s Terrier Rap! For a little Sunday fun.  I wanted to share of the videos that always make me giggle. Dexter of Dexter’s Ruff Life is one of our favorites on YouTube. Dexter, his sister, Peppermint, and their Mom tell stories from Dexter and...
4 Things You Can Learn From Your Yorkie

4 Things You Can Learn From Your Yorkie

What can you learn from yorkies? Small in stature but large in personality, Yorkies have a lot to teach their human companions. Here are just a few lessons they love to share and we can learn from yorkies: 1 – How to Be Brave Afraid of the bully down the street...
Is Your Yorkie Making Bath Time Impawsible?

Is Your Yorkie Making Bath Time Impawsible?

Yorkie Bath Time Tips To Help! Here are 4 ways to make bath time pawsome for the both of you! 1 – Tire them out Take your Yorkie on a walk to wind them down. One benefit of walking your dog on a leash is focused energy expulsion. Leashed walking is a team...

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